
Sunday, June 23, 2013

We are as ships of the same Armada

We are ships of the same Armada. Worn, torn, and beaten by years of storms and Navigation and foreign legions. Our boards are cracked and missing, our sails ripped and some masts breaking. Yet I fear that it is not those that may bring us down, but the cannons from our own ships, though we fly the same Cross among our parallel sails.

We are ships of the same Armada. We have been sent by the same Commander, yet we fire upon one another. True enough, each ship needs another, one as imperfect as the other. Seas crash and other sails encroach, yet our Commander remains our One true hope. Turn our eyes and ears to Him, for too long we have held our focus inside only our ships, and the Fleet suffers.

We are ships of the same Armada. All in need of correction and One leadership, we have become insolent and mutinous in our pride and tradition. The cannons of our mouths separate the Fleet from one another, and victory. Yet I have seen the victories of sacrificial sailors, who care more for the drowning sailor than which ships saves them.

We are ships of the greatest Commander. We must open our eyes to see which crown we sail for. Our greatest hope, as the waves crash and cannons fire, is in the greatest love of the greatest Commander. We are one Armada of the Greatest Commander.
"He who is not against you, is for you." 
"I have come to give life, and life to the full"
-The Greatest Commander

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